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Manage +50 brands with a smaller team to deliver everyday essentials for 50 million Europeans

Mastering multi-brand management

Dayes, a key player in providing everyday essentials to over 50 million European households, faced a daunting challenge: efficiently managing an expansive multi-brand website portfolio. In an industry where time is of the essence, their existing WordPress Multisite setup was proving to be a bottleneck in terms of scalability, complexity, and stability.

The challenge: Escaping WordPress Multisite limitations

Under the WordPress Multisite architecture, Dayes’ brand websites shared a common server, WordPress installation, filesystem, and database.

This setup led to a complex and chaotic development cycle, creating an unstable and unsafe website stack that hindered product development and demanded highly skilled developers for maintenance.

Realizing the need for a more scalable and efficient solution, Dayes turned to wildcloud. Jerôme de Groot, the project owner, sought a platform that could provide more scalability than traditional WordPress hosting and the reliability of multitenancy.

wildcloud’s promise of swapping WordPress Multisite for a multi-tenant WordPress system appeared as the ideal solution.

The transformation journey

The migration process to wildcloud was impressively swift and efficient. In just four days, Dayes’ development team successfully migrated all their Multisite subsites to wildcloud in several batches.

This process was facilitated by regular update calls, ensuring a smooth transition with no disruption.

With wildcloud, Dayes has revolutionized the management and improvement of their brand websites. The excessive time, money, and energy previously required for individual website upkeep are now a thing of the past.

wildcloud’s versioning system and multitenancy have resolved compatibility issues and reignited stagnation in product development.

The wildcloud advantage

  • Scalability and Speed: wildcloud’s multi-tenant architecture offered Dayes the scalability needed to manage over 50 brands efficiently.
  • Ease of Use: The platform’s user-friendly interface allows Dayes to update and change WordPress sites without extensive programming knowledge or reliance on software developers.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: The transition to wildcloud was both cost and painless, eliminating the need for a large team to manage the digital portfolio.

Tailored solutions for a diverse portfolio

Dayes’ array of marketing websites for its household brands now benefits from wildcloud’s centralized management system. This allows for individual website improvements without the excessive resource drain experienced before.

Empowering In-House Teams

Dayes’ in-house team, responsible for building and maintaining the company’s growing website portfolio, now leverages wildcloud’s Console. This shift has made website updates and changes accessible to a wider range of team members, requiring less specialized programming knowledge.

In Conclusion

Dayes’ journey with wildcloud illustrates the transformative power of the right technological partnership in managing a digital empire. Their successful transition from a limited and cumbersome multisite environment to a scalable, efficient multi-tenant platform showcases wildcloud’s capability to cater to complex enterprise needs.

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