New story: featuring an AI-driven WaaS

Learning and community platforms for Expert, coaches and consultants

Category: Customer

Application type: Software as a Service

Product: Managed Learning and community platforms

Company: Three Step Business (TSBLink)

Retail price: Depends on the use case

Application configuration: General Purpose Container / Medium Scale

About the Builder

TSBLink is an all-in-one community platform designed to streamline operations, boost productivity, and grow online businesses.

Specializing in creating customized online communities with social networking features, TSBLink offers a range of monetization options, including membership and course sales.

The end customers are online businesses, educators, and marketers looking to simplify their operations, engage with their community, and increase revenue streams.

TSBLink operates on a subscription-based model, offering various plans to suit different needs, from individuals starting with project management to large teams and companies requiring advanced features and integrations.

About the product

TSBLink’s platform includes features such as CRM, client onboarding optimization, stunning website, and landing page creation, online course and training sales, optimized checkouts and payments, email marketing automation, and community engagement tools.

It’s a one-stop solution for managing and scaling an online business.

View example 1

View example 2

TSBLink has transformed how online businesses operate by offering a single, all-in-one community platform.

By partnering with wildcloud, TSBLink has been able to provide a seamless and efficient experience for its users, from streamlined client onboarding to secure and fast payments.

TSBLink’s flexibility and scalability have made it a go-to solution for businesses looking to simplify their operations and boost productivity.

How TSB is using wildcloud

  • Automated Selling using: TSBLink leverages wildcloud to automate the sales process, from capturing leads to processing payments. TSBLinks has optimized checkouts and secure payment processes to ensure a smooth customer experience resulting in the immediate provisioning of new sites using the wildcloud API
  • Workflow Management: TSBLink can centrally manage all sites and deploy new features thanks to the unified codebase of the individual sites. Because of wildcloud’s Versioning System, TSBLink can test new features in isolated environments before releasing them to production sites.
  • Cloud Scaling: TSBLink’s platform is designed for scalability, with wildcloud cloud infrastructure ensuring optimal performance and availability. wildcloud container-based cloud infrastructure supports TSBLink’s continuous growth.

When we asked, “What value do the attributes of WPCS enable for your company?”

Ease of support, deployment, and testing – In a few words, I would say the speed of execution.

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